I’ve been on my mind too much lately
Just trying to convince myself,
That everything’s gonna work out in the end.
Remindig myself of the fact daily
That you’re on the right track,
Because you’re staying true to yourself.
However, I can’t help but wonder:
Are you ready to fight society?
The people who always tend to know better,
Who make you constantly run to a shelter?
Who have a word to say in every move you make,
Causing you only damage and heartache?
You’re so young to be facing these kinds of challenges..
Getting to see the dark side of humanity,
That makes every step forward an eternity.
„She can handle it“ they say,
„She never breaks down“
Cause you never let them know your delicate side.
The side of you that only I see
Full of scars that I only hope
With time will make you grow.
And hopefully one day you will understand,
That you don’t need acceptance from anyone but yourself.
Don’t let them be obstacles to your happiness.
Never ever give them that chance!
Tóth Kriszta XII. H