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Writer's pictureMezei Csaba


There was blood on Abel's forehead.

It came from the deed beforehand.

Because Cain took justice upon himself.

Because it was unright, that he wasn't

rejoiced by the acceptance of God.

The decadence of the world.

And that was how it ran,

until God created the land of Nod.

That is where Cain started life.

God's intrusion was what shifted the tide.

To what it is now, the tide right in the eye of life.

Because he never interfered with humans again.

But there was one thing that he bestowed,

love and care. And he had to bear,

that he couldn't act, just watch as Cains and Ables were slain again.

He was the only chain. Not Cain, but Abel,

that he wasn't able to create both good and evil, in one body.

Because in birth, all evil was taken from Eve, the rest was left to the brother.

And he was like no other, so pure to love. His other half wasn't different at all.

But inside was the evil that came to heal, when Cain was ignored by God.

That, what was too much for him to bear. Not the punishment.

"Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast?"

Because he felt like an outcast.

"If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?

But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door;

it desires to have you, but you must rule over it."

But Cain could never cope with his thought.

So he tore out from his life what he most loved.

So he could see, embrace the evil.

If righteousness didn't let him implore.

Mezei Csaba XII. H

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1 commentaire

Szekér Imola
Szekér Imola
15 oct. 2022

Absolutely amazing😍

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