This story is about a very great group. You have to know their story!
One day this group had to write a drama performance about the Matthias Statue in Cluj-Napoca, in two weeks’ time. In this group there were six very important people: King Hunyadi Emma, Magyar Dávid, Kinizsi Ágosta and Báthory Nóra, warriors of the king’s “Black Army”. There was paladin, Szapolyai Renáta, and Fadrusz Alpár, the sculptor too. They had a teacher with them, to help with the drama and the other things.
One day, when they were outside, near the Mathias Statue, something strange happened: they saw darkness, and when they opened their eyes again, they were surrounded by people who looked different – they realized: they were in the past! Luckily, nobody observed that they didn’t fit, because they had some costumes on which was in accordance with the clothes worn by the other people around.
They wanted to ask someone where they were, but Dávid said:
“Hey, over there is the St. Michael church!”
“Okay guys, you don’t panic!” said our teacher. “We arrived back in time! Surely, we can also go home, okay?”
Then Ágó said:
“We should use this as a possibility to ask these people about their king and their lives, to get more information for our performance!”
So they gathered all kinds of useful information, and their teacher started to put together the script for the drama production. They slept in an inn, and the next day, they presented themselves to King Matthias. They asked permission to perform their little production entitled: King Matthias and his memorial statue. The king and his royal court liked it. But they still didn’t know how to go back to the future, they asked this from the king and he said:
“Once a year, a great person or a group comes here from the future, to do a task. Every year, the tasks are different – so, if someone else comes here next time, he will get a new task. This year the task was to present a play to my enjoyment, and you did it splendidly! Now you may go home.”
“But how??” they all cried.
“You have to stay in the place of the statue and shout: Vivat Matthias!”
Tamás Ágosta VI. B