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Writer's pictureSzekér Imola

A long time ago

When the spark that ignited in your eyes becomes deserted,

Looking back on it, tell me why you're so disconcerted.

Why do you approach the limit? Why do you go beyond the bounds?

Why does the past call so much? Why do you forget how your inner voice sounds?

To be frightened of what was once gone,

I'm eager to see what the forthcoming chapter will withdraw…

Making acquaintance with oblivion and anticipating the return

Of something you don’t want to possess again, so you let it burn.

You must have regretted what you did so proudly,

And it still hurts because you didn't dare to step.

The role you have taken on does not let you rest.

The reason for your sleepless nights is the one you left.

Why don't you recognize yourself when you look into the mirror?

You're constructing on unsteady ground, relying on a solid foundation.

Perhaps you understood deep down that your body was being possessed by a stranger,

But your ignorance merely leaves you indifferent, even if you are aware that you are in danger.

You try in vain to escape your emotions;

What you call life is a deception.

You are fighting a battle in which you are the opponent.

Because a winner is not born at the end of a fight,

You knew from the start: he was sentenced to death, right?

Szekér Imola XII. R

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