Josh quickly explained to his friend, Albert-Jonathan, that someone had just broken into his house.
„You must've dreamed. There was no one. Believe me!” Jonathan said.
„No, I literally heard something.”
„Then what were your pit bulls doing?”
„They're at the vet. They got sick and I took them there.”
„Let's wait ’till morning comes, and then we'll go to your house to see if somebody was there, okay?”
„Okay, fine.”
They went indoors and slept for a while.
~6 hours later~
„Wakey-wakey! We’ve gotta go to my house now!” Josh said to Jonathan.
„Okay, dude, chill, we didn't even eat breakfast. And it's only like 7'30 AM, so we have a lot of time.”
Jonathan eventually made Josh calm down and eat breakfast. They ate omlett. What a nice guy this Jonathan is!
They got into the car at 12 AM, a little bit late, but they managed to get there.
They also got themselves some knives and an airsoft pistol - you know, for protection. They opened the door and you won't believe what they saw. Jonathan eventually froze in terror. There was blood everywhere!
It was also preatty dark in the house, so they took out their flashlights.
„Bro, Josh, look at this! It's a dead body!”
„Oh, my god! See? I told you someone had been here!” Josh screamed.
„I'm sorry bro, chill. We’d better call the police now. They'll handle this.”
„Oh no, you don't!” said a creepy and deep voice.
Lakatos Áron VI. B