Christmas is coming indeed,
and that is the exact reason why I need
to wonder what it truly might mean.
Regarding this festive occasion,
There is a lot to talk about this creation.
The closer I get to the Christmas gleaming,
the more uncertain I become about its meaning.
As everyone knows, it’s not about the presents,
nor fancy foods. It’s about presence.
I think that most of us have already realized that the essence
Is our loved ones and our families,
Gathering for good, not for calamities.
There is a huge difference between giving
and giving with love and affection.
In your soul, it can make a difference, reliving
Where might be the affection
The truth is that most of us succumb to the lure
of a fast-paced world and we must endure.
For me, Christmas is when we decorate the tree,
Listening to festive music, everyone can agree
That this is an idyllic atmosphere,
A pause from a disastrous year.
For others, Christmas is a feeling,
The feeling of being together, revealing
That we celebrate because we are searching
for a feeling that we wish to feel,
for the assurance that is real.
Szekér Imola XII. R