Today is the 24th of December. Luckily the streets are white, and snow is scattered on the trees. It’s a beautiful scenery. I think everybody right now looks out of the window and thinks that winter gives one of the most beautiful materials for a painting.
Looking out the window, from the news I heard an interesting key word: Christmas Ornaments. This word made me become interested in the news, so I sat down on the couch and listened carefully.
”80% of kids around the age 5 to 10 reported to their parents that the Christmas ornaments were in danger, that they needed help, and they were speaking to them. Some of the parents even called some psychologists which who were working on the holidays, but they only thought that it was normal, because of the creativity which hid in them, but some hours later they changed their opinion. A famous psychologist, Dr Adam Crook, told to us that...”
By this news I got intrigued if it was fake or true. After 2 hours, I hear some whispering repeatedly from my bedroom: “Help...” I got scared, because I was alone in the house, however, my curiosity led me to search for the voice. Following it, I got to the Christmas tree, and I immediately stepped back and shrieked out of fear. On all of the Christmas ornaments two blinking eyes appeared and a moving mouth.
“You see us, as an adult! You will be our saviour, just like the prophecy told us!” then every ornament started to cheer.
I didn’t know if I was dreaming or not, so I pinched myself and it did hurt.
”Why are you speaking, who are you? I’m not scared to break you!” I said trembling.
”Chill, we are not usual Christmas ornaments! We are angels! My name is Aster. Many days ago, an evil angel found a dangerous spell and trapped us in these. He wants to make Christmas the most dangerous holiday for mortals. What he said in the prophecy describes you perfectly.”
“What did he say?’’ I asked curiously. I had no idea if I should believe it or not.
”A Christmas day will come when you find your saviour. She will be taller than the other people you can communicate with. She needs to defeat me in a duel to lift the curse. You fit all of the criteria. Please help us, we will give you everything that you need in life: luck, love, passion and infinite courage in almost all situations.”
“I’m going to help you. What do I need to do?”
”You need to defeat the angel! His name is Tristan. He’s one of the strongest angels in heaven.”
”I’m going to die in the fight.”
”We assure you that it won’t happen. We will give you the power to use our strongest sword in the whole universe, which was made for thousands of years and only the best angels used them, for example Seraphim, in the duel… but there is a problem… we don’t know where it is, but we know it’s in the city, we feel its strong aura. We lost the sword two hundred years ago. We only have a riddle: Where multiple history meets.”
”The history museum!”
I immediately put on the nearest jacket and shoes.
“Before you go: on the kitchen table you will find two elixirs: the green one makes you invisible, and your actions too, for half an hour. The red one makes a copy of the sword. You need to drink the first one, but from the second one you need to sprinkle a little on the sword. Be cautious, come back with the real one, the copy is useless.” shouted Aster after me.
“Thank you!’’
I grabbed the elixirs and rushed to the sword’s place. When I got to the museum, I drank the green liquid, and I became invisible. I entered the museum and immediately found the sword. It had a bright white aura. The sword was made of a beautiful silver and the handle was decorated with the most beautiful jewels. I sprinkled some on the weapon and it started to glow. I couldn’t see anything except after the light, there were 2 swords. I started to panic, not knowing which one was the real one. After some time, I grabbed one, in hope that I had the right one in my hands.
Before I could leave the museum, I started to feel dizzy. When it disappeared, many things happened. The alarm system turned on. The elixir stopped working, I needed to rush out from this place. Before I could get out, surprisingly not even one, but five identical security guards started to rush after me. To my shock, I saw light beams next to me from time to time. I looked back, and the light beams came out of their hands. I was sure that the devil angel found out about our plan and wanted to sabotage it. I got terrified, these lights were too mysterious and I didn’t know what would happen, if on hit me. Thank God, I found the door without being cursed. I was safe for a while.
When I got home, I went to my Christmas tree and asked:
“I hope that this is the real sword, I couldn’t separate the two of them. Do you know any sign that indicates that this is the real one?”
“Try to say: spes!” said a different angel than before, with a soft voice.
”Spes” and the sword lit in white fire. It wasn’t hot, but I thought it was powerful.
“What you see on it is angel fire. This fire is the strongest type. It can kill anyone in the mortal and in the immortal world. The story of it is…”
”Anabelle, don’t speak too much, there are angel secrets which mortal mustn’t know.” shouted Aster.
”By the way, I think that Tiberius found out about our plan. I got chased by security, trying to hit me with some unknown and colourful light beams. I think that he had his hand in that.”
”Then we must hurry up. You need to know some things about the sword’s usage. Be cautious, because it uses life force. After some time, it will regenerate, but if you completely drain it, you will instantly die. With the sword, you can also shoot a powerful angel by saying Orbis, which is also made of angel fire. It drains a lot of life force, so I would recommend using it a single time.”
“Thank you, Aster! I appreciate your guidance. Where can I find Tiberius?”
“I think he is nearby. I feel his presence. Good luck!”
I got out, trembling and hoping that the cursed angels had said the truth that I wouldn’t die. I headed to the field next to my house. I immediately noticed a figure approaching me. The way I saw it, he had brown hair, blue eyes, he was tall, and good looking. He had no wings, but I think he hid them to look like a mortal.
”Hello, saviour.” he said smirking. “Let me introduce myself: I am the most majestic and most handsome in the whole universe, Tiberius. I know what you want to do, defeat me and save the precious little angels, but I won’t go easy on you, and I’m not easily defeated. At Christmas, the angels are more powerful, so I’m in my top form right now. Are you sure you want to fight me?”
”Yes, I’ll do everything for the angels and for Christmas! Spes!”
Tiberius at the same moment punched me with one fist in the stomach. It hurt worse than any pain I’d ever experienced, I even thought that I broke some bones. Because of the hit, I started to fly back, but before I reached the asphalt, I got all of my strength together, and hit him with the sword. He got punched to the ground and he stayed right there for some seconds. When he stood up, giant wings appeared on his back. He started to fly towards me and tried to hit me once again, but he only hit my sword. I thought this was the right time to use the most powerful thing in the sword which I knew about, so I shouted Orbis immediately. The orb was giant, and it caught the angel.
“I give up, I have no power left. I am disappointed. As the strongest angel, I could not defeat you, a single mortal. I’ll lift the curse.” From his hands white light started to come out, making a strand which ended in the houses. You could also see angels flying around the houses or up to the sky. An angel started to approach me with many others.
”You see my real form for the first time. I am Aster. First I will give you this white elixir. This will heal your broken bones and give you some energy boost. Like I promised, we will give you luck, love, passion and infinite courage. Take these ornaments. And try not to lose them. The red one corresponds to love, the green one is for luck, the purple one for passion and the yellow one for infinite courage. We are grateful for everything you did! Tiberius will go to hell after his deeds. Merry Christmas! If we meet again, I will protect you with all I have! Bye.”
”Merry Christmas...”
I put on the received ornaments on the Christmas tree, and went to sleep, because even with the energy boost, I was exhausted. I woke up the next day. I was sitting on the couch with my coffee, while the news said that many kids were sad at the moment, because the ornaments weren’t responding to them. I was happy about it. This Christmas will be the most memorable one, because I saved it.
Somogyi Virág-Hajnal IX. R