Do you feel this? As the tingle runs through your skin...
Do you hear this? As the angelic song carries you through the night...
Do you see this? As the magic begins to unfold...
The smell of pine fills the house again,
and the smell of cinnamon and orange enchants you.
You and I both smile a little more at this time.
The gingerbread is made according to grandma’s recipe,
but they are never as delicious as the ones
she smuggles a little magic into.
However we enjoy making them.
With your family you always tell
fascinating stories to each other by the fireplace.
Quick reminder, don’t forget the hot chocolate!
As you look out the window, you slowly realize how fast time goes by.
You turn your head to the left and then to the right.
Everyone is older now.
Time passes, but the shine and sparkle remains in the eyes.
You turn your head back to the window, and soon,
the first few snowflakes will fall.
As always, we are in a hurry to get the holiday dinner,
the cookies and the presents ready.
Even if the cookies burn a little.
We decorate the tree together,
then light the first and the last candles as well.
Real joy is hiding in hearts and you realize that there was no point to rush at all.
Everything slows down for a moment:
to love and to be loved. That’s all that matters.
Don’t forget:
It’s the most beautiful time of the year.
Baki Timea XII. H